Sunday, July 25, 2010

Party fit for a Six Year Old

I do have to admit that Leyton's party took a bit longer to prepare then Maddie's party but, I'm beyond pleased on how it all turned out. He was soooo excited and every time he saw something new that was LEGO themed his smile got even bigger. He was so full of questions and loved to help me out with it.

Again, I took a lot of photos so I'll share more photos of the party itself. Here are the decorations and other details.

Paper LEGO's that hung from the light above the table. I saw this idea on Stephmodo's blog site. They were so simple but, one of my favorite decorations!

These hang'n LEGO guys I created. One said "Happy Birthday", "6" and the other two plain.

These guys have Bakerella to thank. For some reason the black and blue editable pens weren't working that great so they got cheerful faces of green and red.

I made the LEGO cake which was the hit! My son was so excited that he had to open the refrigerator to show everyone when they first got to the party. A lot of time, love and a battle went into that cake. But, in the end I was very pleased how it turned out. I got the idea off of the Betty Crocker site.

Blue, red and yellow were the three main colors I used. They just screamed LEGO's to me. Leyton even pointed out that when the table was set it looked like a giant LEGO. Too cute!

I made this pull pinata using a large shoebox. This was my first attempt of making one and it actually worked!!! I'm sure the boys would have loved one to hit but, since this was going to break open downstairs I was thinking "safety first".

And finally the gift favors. I found LEGO shaped candy at a local candy store - score! I bought blue lunch bags at Michael's Craft store and added a tag that had the children's names on it using the LEGO font I found here.


  1. I would love a copy of your LEGO guys PDF! Also, how did you make the hanging LEGOs? I can't seem to find instructions...

  2. Hi Monica,

    The hanging Lego's were quite easy to make. :)

    All you need is 3 colored sheets of card stock, 2" hole punch and "pop-up dots". You can find the pop-up dots any where that sells scrapbooking supplies.

    I cut the following sizes for each. Make sure to save the rest of the paper for the circles.

    blue 3.25 x 11
    red 5.5 x 8.5
    yellow 5.5 x 5.5

    I pretty much eyed up the the circles to where they were to be placed. Put a "pop-up dot" on the back of each circle and adhere to the cut- out Lego block. The blue had 4 circles, the red 6, and the yellow 4.

    Punch a hole on the top, thread string and hang.

    I'm going to post a PDF "freebie" for the Lego guys later today. Enjoy!

  3. Love your version of the hanging legos! They look fantastic.

  4. Can you post the PDF for your Lego Men. They are awesome!! My son is having his party on Saturday and I have been trying to do something just liek that but mine are just not working. Then I find this!!!! Please, oh please I hope you have a pattern of these :0) Thank you so much!!! You're ideas are great!!

  5. Hi Teampenrod! Check out this post:

    I think you'll like it! :)

    1. It does not open the file for the lego men?

  6. Hi,
    Great party ideas. Could you please repost the Lego guy banner html?


  7. Lorden,

    Here you go 5/6:

    Or 7/8:


  8. Hi! GREAT Party THANKS for ALL the GREAT ideas! My sons party is next week and i am hoping you can help me! :) I have the lego text however, i can NOT figure out how to make the name tags for the goody bags? How did you get them to look like that? Also, i was able to download the link for the lego guy banner however, how do i make it bigger and write happy birthday? Hope you can help! :) I REALLY would like to make those labels!! :) Thanks!

  9. HELP! Is there a post of the lego guys with out a number or that spells out happy birthdsy? They are THE BEST!! My sons party is this weekend and i REALLY would like to make your incredible banner! :) Thanks

  10. Awesome Ideas!! I am in the beginning stages now planning my sons 7th birthday party. he is Lego obsessed. I have a few ideas of my own and I am going to incorporate few of yours including the banner and hanging bricks. Thank you so much for posting instructions on how to make them, they will be a huge hit at the party. Well I better get crafting I only have 39 days to go......

  11. Once question how did you make the hanging bricks, it look simple enough, but just wondering?

  12. Heather,

    So, glad this is helping you prepare for your son's birthday party. It was SO much fun to do. I have the instructions posted after the 2nd comment for the bricks. :)

    Have fun!

  13. I was also curious how you made the yellow on the name tags for the goody bags. I have the font but can't figure it out. Thanks.

  14. Hi Trina! I actually had to duplicate the font and add that yellow outline to it. If you'd like me to help with that you can contact me here: or through my Etsy shop. Thanks!

  15. hellor there, great ideas and very affordable, thank you so much. help me on how to make or how can i make the names like the lego logo? you have amazing stuff to show and tell :)

  16. I saw your great idea of the candy bag toppers and copy of your LEGO man last week...I went and got all my materials and just went to print them and the link isn't working. HELP! Thanks :)

  17. Awesome Ideas! I'm working on a lego party for my 6 year old too and love your ideas!

  18. Hello where did you find the lego font? Thanks so much....great party!!!

  19. Amy, this is the lego font I used
    I did have to rework it a bit to achieve the look. If you are interested in help with this just let me know.

  20. this is awwsome and right up my soon-to-be six year olds alley! I have mad pinatas before but not the pull string kind, I will have to figure this out because we have a inside party to plan for. Again, a really nice job. I have done knights and monster and firefighter partys before but this is easy to incorporate all of his lego intrests.

  21. I love this! wondering if u can repost the lego guy...! thank you

  22. Thank you for your wonderful ideas! On another note, I absolutely LOVE your music playlist! :)

  23. I LOVE all of your ideas for the lego party... Thank you for posting:) Do you happen to have a PDF for the lego guy with a 9 on it?
    Thank you <><Trisha

  24. Trisha,

    Please email me at and I'll send you a file for the 9 LEGO guy. :)

  25. Just emailed you to ask/beg for the lego guy banner pdf :) Thanks in advance...
    Tracey in Canada

  26. Absolutely beautiful and creative!! I could't access the pdfs posted above. Could you be so kind and re-post them. Both of my sons loved your work and want me to do that for their party.

  27. could you please send me the pdf for the lego man banner its amazing thanks

  28. I'd be int erstedin the rework of the Lego font for the tags. Did you use a print label template and how did you get the red background?

  29. Hi Carla,

    I had to do some extra steps to create the tags. I had to duplicate the font and add an outline. If you want to contact me via my Etsy shop I can create these for you. I charge $4 for small custom printout such as this. Thanks!

  30. I would love it if you would send me the pdf for the lego 6 man banner it is very cool my son will love it! many thanks

  31. Love this party!! I downloaded the LEFOTHICK font but how did you fill it in white and have the yellow outline? (I'm so new at all this stuff!) Please help if you can! Thanks

    1. would you please send me the pdf for the lego 5 man?? i tried to follow the links above and i keep getting server error??? my email address is

      Thanks so much!


  32. Hello,
    Can you please send me the file for the lego 6 man? I've tried to follow the links above and am unable to open. My email address is

    Thank you!
